Feeling pierced by society
Have you ever had a day where you felt like no one noticed anything about you? Where even if you were totally buck naked no one would even notice. The day you went the extra mile, went out of you way and on each event no one even acknowledged you. You get stabbing pains all over your body from hurts throughout the day. You feel bare and raw from trying so hard with no avail. I saw this cactus out in a dry barren field on a day that I was afeeling that way. I thought it summed up real well how I was feeling, but then on the same field not to far away I saw another cacti that had beautiful blooms on it. I thought well tomorrow maybe I will look that way and feel beautiful in a barren field. Funny though, I went back the next day and the beautiful bloom was gone, spent, withered away. Life just seems that way these days for some reason, but I feel better because when I'm feeling sad, barren, unimportant I know that on another day I will bloom and be beautiful again.
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