Monday, July 18, 2011

Pajama Party Invitations


I had just the most wonderful thing happen.  I went looking one day for some invitations I could send out for the pajama party my family is having.  I couldn't find anything any where that would have anything to do with pajama's.  I checked party shops, walmart, scrap book stores, hobby lobby, michaels.  Nothing, you would think with slumber party's being one of the top birthday bashes for teenagers I could find something.  Anyway discouraged I go home and draw a pajama shirt and started going through my fabric stash.  I made 9 different pajama tops.  I put ribbons and buttons and beads on them.  I found a napkin that had a really sexy blond with a martini glass in her hand that said, "Why make happy only an hour" on it.  I glued it to the back of the envelope and glued the pajama tops to the front holding stickers of various drinks.  Anyway long storey short, I mailed 8 of them one day.  I had to go inside because there is special pricing on things that don't go through mail machine.  About a week later I mailed one to my mom, the ladies at the counter remembered the other 8.  They were describing them and telling me which ones were there favorite.  They said everyone in the post office saw them. That made my day!

Monday, July 11, 2011


OMG!  I found out that not only is my son coming home August 4th, but my daughter is coming here also so that she can see him too.  I will have both of my kids here at the same time. Halleluah for small miracles.  I've talked to my sister and we have come up with a plan to get the whole family together.  We are going to have a pajama party and have the whole clan of aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmother all together to play games and have fun making memories. 

My dad passed away back in 1999 and my mom has been asking for years for the family to go to church together and have the flower arrangement in the church in honor of my dad.  Well since we will all be home together on Aug. 7th, 2011 we will all go to the church to honor my dad.  What a special week end we will have. 

I hope and pray that nothing happens with the military between now and then that would keep my kids from coming home.

I am just so excited.  I haven't seen my son in 18 mths and I haven't had them home together in almost 2 years.