I finally finished my Halloween journal and actually mailed it to a magazine. I have never gone that far before. It was such an accomplishment for me. I have never put together from scratch a journal book. I learned a lot about water color paints and pencils, gesso, modge podge about using scraps in my stash at home, and most importantly using things I normally would put in the trash at work. I am so proud of this work I decided to share some on this blog spot.
I made these characters to place on the outside because the some of the journal pages are about Ghosts, cats and pumpkins . It's like they are inviting you in. These creatures are made from plastic caps that I normally throw away at work. Since plastic thrown out in our trash is a real problem on our mother earth, I decided to start saving the caps and trying to come up with ways to reuse them. I really love these characters and they were a lot of fun to create.
This is my page for cats. My daughter absolutely loves cats. She has 3 in her home that she has rescued. She is such a softee when it comes to cats that is why she is the queen of cats. I was so proud of the watching eyes in the trees on this page.
I have always loved Haunted houses, black cats and woods that feel creepy on Halloween. In the fall when the leaves have fallen off the tree I enjoy going outside during a full moon and seeing the shadows that are casted on the ground from the trees.The more snarly a tree the better the show. Walking through a woods can be so spine shilling. There are animals making noises and casting shadows. You can just feel there eyes watching every move you make.

What would a haunted house be without a creaky stair case? Don't you just love those houses that when you walk in the room you feel like someone is following you? You walk around the room always looking behind you., your hair stands upon end feeling like prickly pears and you swear you can hear something almost every moment you are there.

I always pictured that the inanimate objects of all our most popular Halloween character also had excitement and energy before the fun of the magic hour of Halloween. I could see the brooms dancing and gathering together bursting with so much eccentric energy. You could almost see the swirls of wind flowing around them.
This is a page that I imagined what my spirit would be like if I had no worries in life. In a journal expressing Halloween one could visualize a special day when the child like fun and freedom could come out and play. I pictured that freedom would look very energetic and full of color.

I remembered in my younger years that I had a pumpkin patch at the back of my property. I lived on 5 acres of woods and abutted a field of pumpkins. That always seemed so strange to me. I thought that field was so desolate. It was black and hot and dry. Those poor pumpkins just laid there in all that heat. I fell in love with them then because there birth and growing up was horrible to me, but in October they were so orange and so beautiful. I always paint or construct a pumpkin with beautiful green leaves because the green makes their orange so beautiful and I think they deserve their beauty to shine. So when I thought about the pumpkins for this journal I wanted to show fun and frolic in the pumpkin patch on Halloween. I made the field green so the orange just shined on the page. The way a pumpkin should be.
And what better way to end a journal than a picture of the full moon showing the energetic brooms swirling in their light with witches and cats aboard their backs. But of course there also has be a bat some where in the book.